Ramadan 1444 Updates
Ramadan Calendar
Pick up a hard copy at the Musallah
The following prayers are currently offered at the Musallah
Please check main page for prayer times

Traweeh Prayer
Starts Immediately after Isha
20 Rakaas followed by Witr prayer
Designated space available for Sisters
Ramadan Camp for ages 5-12
Sign up today by clicking on the flier
Taught by Sisters Huda Malik and Siddiqa
WHEN: Classes begin every Saturday starting March 25th to April 15th from 11.00 am to 1:00 pm. Parents are welcome to drop-in the kids for the class.
Topics Covered:
Importance of Ramadan (25th March)
Importance of Quran (1st April)
Importance of Sadqah (8th April)
Importance of Lailatul Qadr & Sunnahs of Eid (15th April)
WHERE: @Lathrop Musallah - 14120 Jasper street, Lathrop, CA
WHO: This class is geared towards children ages 5-12.
Payment: All payments must be made by Zelle (hudamalik@hotmail.com or 5104938813) or PayPal (hudamalik@hotmail.com) 2 day prior to class. Please include your child(ren)’s full name and "Lathrop Musallah - Ramadan Camp" in the memo/comments field.
**REFUND POLICY: Refunds not available after the session begins. Missed classes are not refundable. Contact us directly for extenuating circumstances.
COST: $20 USD per class or $75 USD for all 4 session.